What does AI love and hate about video games? Michelle talks to her Google Assistant about everything from Call of Duty, to the Nintendo Switch, to John's secret film making career? Note: Have no fear, there are no phone/home prompts!
Do game companies own genres? BlueHole vs. Epic games, Fortnite Battle Royale makes PUBg cry, John and Michelle are mad at a games "journalist", and game dev calls gamers toxic (again).
Double round-table reviews of Fortnite: Battle Royale and SteamWorld Dig 2! We're also giving away a game, talking tons of gaming news, and opening up an actual video game MAGAZINE!?! Atari box details, Nintendo take-downs, and RAW ALMONDS?!?
John and his best switchies bud talk gaming and stuff.
Another ALL COMMUNITY show featuring everything you loved and hated from the week: PlayStation Network, Titanfall 2 revisit, Divinity Original Sin 2 Trailer, bad voicemails, 8k VR headsets, forcing your co-workers to listen to VGO, PC builds, good gaming shelves, guest hosts, MAGs PS3, and iJustine. If you want to be a part of a community show, Tweet us @vgopodcast / @coastalmichelle, e-mail us contact@videogameoutsiders, or call us 520-FEEL-VGO
Should gaming companies babysit the community and players? Blizzard vs. Valve. Overwatch players need to take a... deep look inward? Plus a voicemail and e-mail from you guys about last week. Heated discussions abound! Stop using the word TOXIC!
Metroid: Samus Returns 3DS, Knack 2 PS4, Forza Motorsport 7 Demo, Mario's nipples, Divinity Original Sin 2 PC, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, Overwatch: Junkertown and Mercy update, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Fog, and The Hole's Rob Sprance on RiotCast.com joins us to talk about 4k TVs vs 1080p Proectors, Naughty Dog games, wireless headset woes, and a gaming chair on roller-blade wheels?!? Visit MackWeldon.com and use promo-code "vgo" for 20 percent off your first order!
A new theme song. John talks about his buddy Matt's visit (t-bone steaks and beer). Toys R US woes. And games?
In defense of game stores! GameStop's website. A heat-changing cult mug for FarCry? Zelda plushies? Destiny 2, Cuphead, and keeping your expectations in check. Assassin's Creed trailer, game sales, PlayStation 5 wishes, and unique console experiences! Plus some love/hate feedback from you guys, a few upcoming VGO teases, what's on Michelle's desk, and a call for comments about gaming safe spaces!
NOTE: There is a reason we made this optional extra content, as we understand some of the material discussed may offend or annoy people. Please listen at your own discretion. We wanted to discuss it because of our concerns with how this might impact game streamers, or people who watch game streams! Thank you. Also Michelle says "cunt".
Everybody's Golf, Destiny 2, Mirage: Arcane Warfare, Mario & Rabbids, Hong Kong gaming accounts, Chinese NES classic knockoffs, World of Tanks, details on our WoW FigurePrint giveaway, the "Game Journalists have to be good at games" debate, and we chat with PSVR Frank.
John talks games, b-jobs, traveling with the Switch, answers an e-mail, and plays a voicemail!
What to love and hate about so many playable characters. Rainbow Six Siege news, COD and realism, Dota 2, balance, quantity vs quality, Overwatch vs Lawbreakers, and Michelle has a Chinese knock off NES classic? Plus an angry e-mail!
We read some gaming sub-reddit comment threads with our own special flair. Lookie here now! Ps4 golfing game gives "the feels" and renting video games make people cry.
Call of Duty World War II Beta, Swa-stickers, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Overwatch DeathMatch mode, Destiny 2 debate, World of Warcraft: 7.3 Shadows of Argus, Halo Forge, and more insanity with comedian Deepu and his close friend Mike from the Let's Make a Cult podcast.
John talks about his new Twitch partnership with Michelle, pinball, skating, and more!