John and Michelle make picks for this years VIDEO GAME AWARDS. The loser has to buy the other one a game of their choosing, and make them play for two hours. We talk our predictions and more insanity!
Watch Dogs 2, Quantum Break, Daydream Google VR, Michelle buys consoles for Black Friday, and Matt has a fit. Get our free app now on iTunes and Android!
Dishonored 2 round-table review, the Steep beta from Ubistoft, drama in line at Target over the new Nintendo NES classic mini console, and more!
N3rd Raggggeeee! Plus the run down on all Diablo, Overwatch, WoW, Hearthstone, and other Blizzard news.
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, Titanfall 2, Modern Warfare Remastered, Election Coverage, and more! Also we buy a website about dicks.
Reviews on Shadow Warrior 2, Skyrim Remastered, Battlefield 1! In depth coverage of the RAZER S MY D drama, and a Cooking Outsiders aftershow!