PC Outsiders theme this week: What PC gaming news to love and hate, a question about ultra-wide monitors from Jacob, some opinions on Steam from Duke, BattleRite goes free to play, Fortnite is still popular, Hand of Fate 2 releases, policing gaming communities, the death of demos, PCgamer.com sucks, Nioh is out for PC, Sonic Forces is not good, cosmetic loot boxes change of heart, Obsidian teases a new game on Twitter, r/pcgaming has improved, new Hitman game, enough with Half Life, Injustice 2 beta, For Honor free weekend, PC players give COD a chance, new MMORPG from PUBg devs, Battlefront trial is out, Star Wars Graphics cards, AMD guy becomes Intel guy, some WoW classic is here to save the world nonsense, Michelle likes themes, and more master race goodness.