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Gears of War Ultimate Edition Xbox One, Black Ops 3 Beta PS3, Trine 3, Rob Sprance from The Glory Hole podcast stops by to talk drugs, Twitter, news, and more!!
Dead Realm, Fishing Planet, John beat Splatoon, RARE REPLAY, Axiom Verge, FarCry 4, News, Twitter Questions, and more. Brought to you by China.
Hitman 6, World of Tanks Xbox One, Splatoon boss frustrations, FarCry 4, Cloudberry Kingdom, News, Twitter Questions, and more!!
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Rocket League, Expendabros, Alpha Bears and a whole lot of stupidity
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour golf, EA Access Xbox One, Depth on Steam, Her Story, Batman Arkham Knight, NEWS, Twitter questions, and MORE!
H1Z1, Batman Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Unity, War Thunder, Infinity Blade 3, Hearthstone, and MORE!
John and Michelle celebrate the birth of our nation with gaming news