We talk about PC gaming and the XBOX Scorpio!
Rob Sprance of The Hole on RiotCast joins us to talk about Styx - Shards of Darkness, Orisa in Overwatch, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect, Zelda/The Switch, and the glorious world of 8-bit dicks.
John is in China, but still has some arcade talk, music, and your archived e-mails!
CHEATERS! What to love and hate about playing God in games both online, and in offline play. Plus the fine line between cheating and game exploits, and more on that little Zelda amiibo trick.
John fights with a mod on the Nintendo Switch Reddit, we set up a reddit for VGO, and do some funny voices when reading comments and posts that are not to be missed!
Michelle gets a Switch, John is in China and has to whisper. Zelda Breath of the Wild impressions, the amiibo annoyance, Bomberman, VOEZ, Just Dance, Blaster Master Zero, Sony games on PC, and more gaming news!
John likes arcade stuff, music, and the drinky-drink.
Shopping for games online, physical media, VGO community updates, a voicemail from Henry, and an e-mail from Erick!
It's another Lore Outsiders bonus episode, this time, ZELDA! Who is the old man? Are Zelda and Link banging? and more!
We break down he new Nintendo Switch, pro controller, Zelda Breath of the Wild, and everything in between. Plus Michelle's GAMESTOP troubles, John in New York City, and we share our plans to do a new youtube or podcast channel where we feature the Nintendo Switch! Horizon Zero Dawn, Jose's free VR show soon on app, your voicemail, and more!
GDC Recap! Michelle goes over all the high and low points from the Game Developer's Conference: VR, Switch stuff, new Nvidia GTX 1080ti card, Mobile games, Political games, HDR gaming and tips, your tweets and more!
Arcade talk, your e-mail, and a new weekly theme song!
Car Oil, Beard Oil, John gets mad at Midas, and more oily anger! OIL GATE 2017!!!
Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 PRO, Sniper Elite 4 PC, Ghost Recon: Wildlands XBOX, Nintendo Switch News, and we celebrate 500 episodes of VGO!
The ups and downs of game-giveaways, plus your e-mail and tweets!
Arcade stuff, your emails, and a new theme song!
Mobile gaming goes prime time, John has a phone problem, and Bethesda is making a new game?
For Honor, Elder Scrolls: Homestead, Until Dawn, Nioh, Splunker, Pixel Junk Shooter, Gravity Rush, Mafia 3, Pro vs Scorpio vs Switch vs YOUR MOM! Plus your e-mail and voicemail!
This week Michelle covers the double-edged sword that is gaming culture right now, it's popular but at what cost? Keep SJWs out of our hobby says British listener Sean. Plus Nintendo and Sony talk!
In honor of Valentine's day we talk gaming LOVE. Plus Burger King sex toys?
Nioh Roundtable Review, Conan Exiles, Ben Heck tears down the Nintendo Switch, John gets a ps4 and a flight stick, Rachet and Clank, Uncharted, We Were Here, Little Big Planet 3, and more! All that and more on our VGO Valentine's Day special. Be sure to check Ben out on youtube over on TheBenHeckShow! There is still time to visit ilovevgo.com to grab one of our Episode 500 t-shirts too!
John is back with some more arcade talk, retro love, and your unread e-mails! Plus his new PS4 and HOTAS Flight Stick.
Gaming Expos, E3 being open to the public, Xbox Scorpio high hopes, and more community news to love and hate along with Michelle.
(Sorry about the first MINUTE sound quality, we will try to fix and reupload) We try to stay on track, but the road leads to dick. 3ddickprints.com See bonus image attached for more fun!
Arcade Stuff, Retro Games, E-mail, Michelle is again distracted by the dick.