Comedian Brian Redban, co-creator and co-host of #KILLTONY and founder of The #DEATHSQUAD Podcast Network, joins us to talk VR and video games! Journey to the Savage Planet, Red Dead Redemption 2 NPCs going West World, baby Yoda boobs pillow, PS4 Dreams, Katamari Damacy Reroll, Oculus Rift vs. HTC Vive VR, Wattam, Death Stranding, Pavlov, Serious Sam 3, Conglomerate 451, VRchat, Vader Immortal, Outriders, and some arcade / pinball talk. Plus the old JRE days, meeting the creepy Gareth Pursehouse right before he was arrested for the murder of Amie Hawick, UFOs, flat earth idiots, Twitch, and Xbox Series X Cyberpunk news and console details.
Bleeding Edge, Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, Sonic Movie and Sonic Spinball, side bush, Darksburg, Xbox likes our game pass song, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, Children of Morta, Sea Salt, and more on Death Stranding. Plus Bruce Springsteen impression from John, a greek dentist, Matt's weighted blanket, a gerbil with a tumor, Chinese food Coronavirus update, and Michelle's gaming news.
Comedian Robert Kelly of YKWD stops by to talk voice acting in GTA IV, his old clan days, Minecraft, prepping for the Coronavirus, how comedy has changed, the old podcast days with Bill Burr and Colin Quinn, and his new VR addiction. Plus Narcos: Rise of the Cartels, Shenmue 3, Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet, Contagion Outbreak PSVR, John ordered an Oculus Rift or Quest, Swiper, Sundered, Stories Untold, and more on Death Stranding. Visit or get our app for weekly bonus content and the entire back catalog.
Rob Sprance from The Hole on RiotCast joins us to talk Oculus Quest / Rift, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, Asgard's Wrath, and more VR. Plus Coffee Talk, Pandemic, Animal Crossing themed Nintendo Switch, Music Racer, Kerbal Space Program, Mario sucks, and P5 has a mailing list? Visit or get our app and go premium for our entire back catalog and weekly bonus shows.
Plague Inc, Doomsday prepping, Disintegration beta, Ghostbusters Remastered, Legends of Runeterra, GTFO, Deep Space Rush, Warcraft 3 Reforged, Death Stranding, Darksiders Genesis, a Gamestop story, and more infectious pathogens. Plus John's tips on how to survive the Corona outbreak, Michelle's Wuhan meals, and Matt's car. Visit or get our app for weekly bonus content and the entire back catalog.
Oculus Quest VR review, Boneworks, Vadar Immortal, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Rainbow Six Siege battle pass and stadium map Road to SI, The Show 2020 Beta, Maelstrom, The Touryist, and Stephen King games. Plus Joe Biden thinks game devs are little creeps who train you to kill, Cyberpunk delayed, Sony games come to PC, chrome will supports Steam, TikTok is making games, PS5 VR headset, Stadia fails, and more gaming news. Visit to grab our free mobile app, get a t-shirt, or to go premium for weekly bonus shows and the entire back catalog.
House Party, One Night Stand, Lust Epidemic, 3DXchat adult MMO, Titty Crush, Busted, naughty sex games, and Matt "celested" a listener?. Plus Dragon Quest Builders II, milk boobs, surprise strap-ons, AO Tennis 2, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Ruiner, Microsoft talks Xbox One vs Xbox Series exclusives, and more gaming news. For the full back catalog or to go premium for weekly bonus shows visit
Switch 2 battle, PS5 disappoints, Michelle goes viral, Star Wars Battlefront II: Rise of the Skywalker update, Witcher 3, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, New Super Lucky's Tale, Disco Elysium, The Forest, Simulacra 2, The Climate Trail, and our 2019 games of the year. Plus VGO 2020 Merch: Grab our VGO app for the full back catalog or visit for more info.
Untitled Goose Game, GTFO, Demon's Tilt, GTA: Casino Heist Arcade, Supermash, Arise: A Simple Story, Simulacra, Lumberjack Simulator, 12 demos of Christmas: System Shock, Eastward, and more. Plus Xbox Series X, the big John fight of 2019, Matt says sorry, win a signed copy of Michelle’s book, and our annual Holiday Play (which starts around 1 hour 28 mins in)! Visit to go premium and get our mobile app on iOS/Android for the uncut version of the Christmas Play, weekly bonus content, and more!
Redbox Funeral, Darksiders Genesis, Shovel Knight King of Cards, Paunch, Terminator Resistance, Devil May Cry 5, Throwback games 1994-2003: Planescape Torment, TRON 2.0, Beneath a Steel Sky, and more gaming news. Plus Matt's big lie, Deadbox no longer renting video games, and more on The Irishman. Visit or get our free mobile app for the back catalog and weekly bonus shows.
(Skip ahead 9 mins to avoid the Halloween sounds) The Outer Worlds, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and our spooky games from years past - it's the VGO Halloween Spooktacular! Plus what's going on at Kotaku, Microsoft is getting serious, and Ubisoft games are all delayed? Blade Runner, American McGee’s Alice, Call of Cthulhu, Great Toilet Simulator, and Rainbow Six: Siege - Doktor’s Curse. Go to or get our free mobile app for the full back catalog and bonus shows! Boo.
Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure review, Xbox Game Cloud and controller clip, Moons of Madness, Ten Cent's Game Loop, Yooka-lay-lee and the Impossible Layer, and more gaming. Plus PS5 news, a big change to Xbox gamertags, GameStop's bait and switch, a listener plays the Aussie skinflute in his bathtub, and we play clips of our spooky video game stories - up on the Video Game Outsiders mobile app for free, now!
Deliver Us The Moon, Yooka-Lay-Lee and the Impossible Liar, Postal 4, Killer Queen Black, Fortnite 2, Alluris, Golf Story, Trover Saves the Universe: Important Cosmic Jobs DLC, Minecraft, and more gaming news! For the full back catalog and bonus content, get our free VGO mobile app or visit for more info.
John Wick Hex, Trine 4, Star Citizen, Warcraft 15 Year Anniversary Edition, Zelda: A Link to the Past SNES, Business Tour, and Call of Cthulhu. Plus Blizzard sides with China, PS5 news, and vibrating floors. For the back catalog or bonus content get the VGO mobile app or visit
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, Destiny 2 New Light and Shadowkeep, Apple Arcade vs Google Play Pass, COD mobile, God of War on PC, and Sony's President goes byebye. Plus CCgamesCEO - The Game Store Guy - joins us to role play, Michelle tries Razer's new Respawn gamer drink, kids love VGO, out-of-context guy calls in again, and John gets told to F off by a listener. Visit or get our free mobile app for the back catalog and weekly bonus episodes.
Zelda: Links Awakening review, Sony State of Play Last of Us 2 details, upgraded Switch vs old Switch, COD, Bill Gates loves poop, Xbox Insider, Tower of Time, and KFC Dating Simulator - Finger Lickin' Good? Plus Michelle bought something HUGE, Matt loves Borderlands 3, and John is stuck in NeoCab hell!
Borderlands 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Sims 4: Realm of Magic, Rainbow Six Siege: Ember Rise, Creature in the Well, Super Dodgeball Beats, Gekisou! toilet game, Greedfall BS, and some really bad impressions. Plus geese, edible games, Death Stranding, GameStop redesign, and more gaming news.
Gears 5, Greedfall, Snoop is mad at Xbox Live, Apple event blindness, SNES games, weird switch video, Super Kirby Clash, Pagan Online, WoW Classic, Atelier Lulua ~The Scion of Arland, and Control. Plus beta males and more pinball tips?
Man of Medan, Blair Witch, Astral Chain with The EmpBruh, Cyberpunk Deep Dive, Arcade Tycoon, Gravitas, and more on Control and Telling Lies. Plus Book Outsiders, WoW Classic and Pinball.
Control, Remnant: From the Ashes, WoW Classic, Telling Lies, Call of Duty Modern Warfare Alpha, Lightseekers, Undermine, F1 2018, Slay the Spire, and more on Rad. Plus Taco Bell hotel, taint, and Ben Stiller with a white dog? for more episodes or app links.
No Man's Sky: Beyond in VR, Rad, Oxygen Not Included, Shortest Trip to Earth, Horace, and Goat Waste of Space Simulator. Plus MS streaming news, Gamescom news, and GameStop is done.
Age of Wonders: Planetfall, Fight Crab, Metal Wolf Chaos XD, Grave Keeper, Forbidden Arts, Storm Chasers, Apsulov: End of Gods, Minecraft Insider, Mixer vs Twitch vs, and Black Squad. Plus the game store guy, CCgamesCEO joins us to talk about Walmart banning violent game ads, the ESPN Apex Legends event being shut down, the retro video game gold rush, Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories, and to lecture John about his Redbox habits.
Madden 20, The Church in the Darkness, A Short Hike, Doom 3 rerelease, STAIRS, Wolfenstein: Young Blood, Oj Simpson the voice actor, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Blazing Chrome. Plus video games are not the problem, Ninja will play Halo now, and more gaming news.
Wolfenstein: Young Blood round-table, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Arma 3: Contact, Tech Corp., Horace, Adventure Time, and Call of Duty's Willy Pete problem.
GTAV Diamond Casino, Gears of War 5 Tech Test, Godhood, Sky: Children of Light, Storm Area 51, Unavowed, Technobabalyon, and AntStream service. Plus ComicCon and more gaming news!