Devil May Cry 5, Warparty, Mega Man 11, Capcom, Headlander, Tetris 99, Far Cry: New Dawn, Celeste, The Wild Age, and Michael Jackson. Plus the latest Warcraft patch, Nintendo VR, nipples, and more gaming news!
Matt joins John in the basement to discuss Dragon's Lair, Apex Legends tips, Ultrawide Masterrace, and more.
Nvidia confirms high FPS players have a better K/D ratio, Diablo 1 on GoG, Quake style games making a comeback, Alex Jones on JRE and 5g on my Pixel, Nintendo Switch VR, community PC builds, Trine 4, French sex rings on Discord, Michelle gets personal, Dawn of Man, Steam top list, dog help, double Johns, Flat Earth fallout, Michelle is female, MAC lip liner and more!
Rape Day, Halo infinite and Halo Collection, Watch Dogs 3, Kid Icarus, Nintendo's mobile woes, MS selling Razer phones, Sekiro, Devil May Cry, Kirby Yarn lameness, Death Stranding is open world, and the gaming lull. Plus Michelle's dog is bad, and John loves eggplant!
The Stillness of the Wind, Pinball FX2 VR, Taco Bell, vagina wallets, Tech Support: Error Unknown, Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4's Operation Grand Heist, Far Cry: New Dawn, and a discless Xbox One? Plus Netflix's Behind the Curve Mark Sargent and Patrica Steere stop by to talk flat earth, pinball, and more.
John talks China, Tencent, how to get porn, and what he made for dinner on Sunday.
Microsoft's new promise to PC gamers (we come first?), AMD's variable refresh rate coming to consoles, Nvidia's game streaming and the topic that won't die, Dune MMO coming from Funcom, Star Wars: Fallen Jedi news, Shadow Ghost cloud gaming, my Eastshade fallout, and cleaning your PC and keyboard. Plus an episode 600 tease!
The scary connection between Bowser, and Nintendo's new President Doug Bowser. You will be both disturbed and amazed by the end. Plus John does math!
Nintendo adding Xbox Game's Pass to the Switch? Far Cry: New Dawn, Trials Rising, Eastshade, Bus Simulator, War of Omens CCG, making an NES game, and more on Metro. Plus we're retiring the 10 second spotlight?
WINDPOCALYPSE 2019, no Oscar host, LED strips, Netflix stuff, Star Wars, and more from John's week!
Nvidia 1660ti vs 1070, Samsung Galaxy S10 foldable phone features Steam, Anthem reviews, EA Early Access, Apex Legends Twitch Prime hack, gaming customer service, Steam stops selling movies, MS games pass is on PC so why not the Switch, good USB mics (again), and an unhappy puppy.
Do we need game reviews? Game scores? John and Michelle get into the issues surrounding Crackdown 3, Xbox/MS Game's Pass, and more.
Metro: Exodus, Anthem, Crackdown 3, Tetris 99, Yoshi's Crafted World, Daemon X Machina, Bruce Willis debate, Breach, Skyrim's Enderal, ShadowRun, and Google's big gaming secret. Plus John has a train story! Visit for the full back catalog or for app links!
John's gonna make a NES game! Plus, things he has backed on kickstarter, a basement update, and more from his week!
Michelle finds out what the listeners have been loving and hating. VGO lore and round-table complaint, a mysterious voice-mail, dogs who hate us, guests, Apex Legends and Division 2 feedback, and more from the community!
We try our best to find Apex Legends lore, and end up talking about dicks.
Division 2 roundtable, Apex Legends, Crackdown 3, Astroneer, PS5 rumors, Sea of Thieves, epic speeches, and trampolines. Visit for app links, show notes, and the entire back catalog.
John is trapped in his basement! Plus BFV, VR, and more from John's week.
Physical retailers and Steam suing Metro makers? Overclocking and delidding graphics cards and processors, the future of the Metro series, Jim Sterling says paid reviews are a problem, promoted articles, and Division II and Apex Legends news. Plus a listener wants a monitor for an Xbox and Nvidia PC.
Microsoft renames studio, male dog's nipples, John's accident, Sea of Thieves free trial, Furry Friday, new games in 2019, and we want to get hired by a gaming news site.
Apex Legends, Wargroove, Anthem, Resident Evil 2, and Tony Hawk's Skate Jam. Plus John is drinking, Xbox heading to all devices, buttstocks, and is VGO a record setter? For bonus shows, past episodes, and more grab our free VGO mobile app for iOS/Android or visit and order your VGO tee or hat now on for a limited time!
John on the road, in the car, with a special John Show!
Michelle gets into the Steam Store vs Epic Games ignorance going around, Epic's Tim Sweeney puts his foot in his mouth over Microsoft's past, the Steam 30 percent cut LIE, Steam getting dedicated servers for third party games, a few e-mails, and some news about the Skyrim co-op mod!
We talk about the hottest topics from the week on the PC, Switch, Xbox, PS4 and PSVR reddits. Metro's Epic vs Steam war, broken Microsoft stuff, Smash Bros jizzfest and more gaming news!
Resident Evil 2 roundtable review, Kingdom Hearts III, Anthem, Tropico 6, When Sky Lifts go Wrong, At the Gates, and go to for VGO hats and shirts! Plus double discs, stacked discs, and front to backs? Visit for the full back catalog, or get our app for bonus shows!